Thursday, August 19, 2010

I've been a little busy.......

I haven't posted in what seems like FOREVER!!! I have been a busy little bee here lately! I am happy to say that I have completed a few of my projects on the "to do" list though so I can finally take a breather. Only for a minute though because as soon as I take one off that list, I add 2 more ha ha ha.

     An old friend of mine put it best when he said "Candace, you are a do-er and the worst part about a do-er is that it makes us lazy asses look even worse when you get so much doin' done" ha ha ha

Here is what I have been up to lately:

Bell flower
My Cosmos are almost as tall as I am if you can believe it!
The flowerbed that Dr. Pepper and I made together.
Mama O'Grady's furniture over 100 years old

Curtains make any room better......

but Energy Efficient Curtains make it WONDERFUL!!!

One of my painted pieces. I will give you one guess at what the kids name is.....

Not pictured is what I have been working on for a little over a month. I should have it up soon. It's Dr. Peppers' birthday present and it is almost complete! I only have a few things to add as finishing touches. His birthday is Tuesday and a good friend of mine is making him his very own coconut cake. He loves it and I am not a fan so I thought to have her make him a little one just for him! DUH! It is his birthday.  I have also been working on Christmas cards and a baby doll for my niece's birthday in October. My days are never dull I tell you and I am never at a loss of things to do ha ha ha
Check back in a few days for more! Hope everyone is well!

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