Friday, August 6, 2010

Have a Happy Period.......NOT!

A friend of mine Corye sent this to me this morning and I had to share because it is quite possibly the funniest thing I have EVER read! Hilarious and the best part is that as you are reading it you will feel this woman's pain and know exactly what she is talking about!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Never fun to tell bad news...

I had the best attorney covering the Middle Tn Mental Health docket for us here and while I was out on vacation and she had come and turned in her bills to the office. An honest days works should get an honest days pay right?! Well, apparently the Judge didn't really agree because I had to call her and tell her that she had been cut off for good from our court. I love my job, I love my boss and I love being able to have the freedom to talk with everyone all day every day but when I have to call these attorneys and tell them that we will no longer be needing their services......well, it just plain sucks! I hate being the mean guy when I like the person:( .

A gift for a friend

A girlfriend of mine is having a baby boy. I hate to buy gifts for people when I can make or paint them something that they have just as great!
Here is what I have done for her...
The mother's name and DOB is along one side and the father's is along the other so that they are all part of the piece. I think it turned out quiet nice:)! I will do a few more little things to it but this is pretty much it.

Happy Birthday little sister!

My little sister is 26 today! Happy birthday to you Stephanie:). For years I would make her cards for her birthday and then I kind of let things get out of hand and I would just buy them but this year she got another homemade one and I think she was pretty happy with it! The cherry stood off the page. It was mighty cute if I do say so myself.
For every birthday celebration our parents let us pick what we want to do for our "Birthday Dinner" and this year Stephanie picked SOOOO GOOD!!
Stephanie's Birthday Menu:
* Homemade Chicken tenders
*Homemade Mac'n'cheese
* Purple-hull peas w/ homemade chow-chow
* Cornbread muffins
*Fried okra
* Homemade peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream

I am still stuffed today because I ate so much!

We also had some pretty good wine.......
Darby & Joan

Lucky is adorable in the beanbag! I love the fact that she loves it so much:). It was my favorite seat for a while too!

Singing to her....
and there she goes...these are always my favorite pics!

We re-lit them so Lucky could blow them out too!

                                                            Happy Birthday mommy!

Happy Birthday Judge Ruben!

Friday was Judge Ruben's 76th Birthday! We had a lunch for him with all his favorite things.....

* Ruben sandwiches
* Lays potato chips
* Baked beans
* Potato salad
* Diet Coke
* Caramel Cake w/ ice cream

A few of the Judges came up to help us celebrate too.

Now, that was easy! He loved it!!!

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