Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Birthday little sister!

My little sister is 26 today! Happy birthday to you Stephanie:). For years I would make her cards for her birthday and then I kind of let things get out of hand and I would just buy them but this year she got another homemade one and I think she was pretty happy with it! The cherry stood off the page. It was mighty cute if I do say so myself.
For every birthday celebration our parents let us pick what we want to do for our "Birthday Dinner" and this year Stephanie picked SOOOO GOOD!!
Stephanie's Birthday Menu:
* Homemade Chicken tenders
*Homemade Mac'n'cheese
* Purple-hull peas w/ homemade chow-chow
* Cornbread muffins
*Fried okra
* Homemade peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream

I am still stuffed today because I ate so much!

We also had some pretty good wine.......
Darby & Joan

Lucky is adorable in the beanbag! I love the fact that she loves it so much:). It was my favorite seat for a while too!

Singing to her....
and there she goes...these are always my favorite pics!

We re-lit them so Lucky could blow them out too!

                                                            Happy Birthday mommy!


  1. thanks cb! i feel special having a post all to my self! love you!

  2. Well of course, you are my little sister silly! I love you girl! Hope you had a super fantastic birthday!


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