Friday, July 16, 2010

Friday Fives- 5 things you do to relax....

I LOVE this topic! I got this Friday 5's from The Crazy Life of LT and her hilarious blog. Every Friday she has a great topic to write about and list 5 neat things. Here are mine...

1.  SCRUB , SCRUB, SCRUB - Some might call this strange but if I am super stressed out and need to take out some frustration I tend to hit the bathrooms and floors for some heavy duty cleaning. There is something so calming about scrubbing the crap out of floors, tubs, grout etc. that just makes all worries go away....

2. Grab a brush and let it go- Ahhhh! Painting to me is one of the most beneficial things a person can do! It helps you in so many ways. I can be in a complete terrible mood and go in my art room to paint for a while only to come out much happier and calmer than before. It is like going to another place for me...a happy place where nothing can bother me or stress me out. I turn my ipod on and let the paint flow!
                                    I painted this for my mom for Mother's Day this year. It was a stormy day and there were tornadoes all around us but I didn't seem to mind that day because I was in my own little world.

3. A pinch of this and a dash of that- I love to bake! Baking is such a fun thing to do and honestly to me the best part of baking is seeing the person or people enjoy it that you are making it for. That always brings me such happiness. I can always bake something to help me relax. The smell of something baking doesn't hurt either ;).

                                  I made these for an awesome friend of mine. He loves cupcakes so for his birthday I made him the closest thing to Gigi's that I could. Happy Birthday Randy!!!

4. Give it to Goodwill- Can we say obsessed?! Yes, I have a slight obsession with the Goodwill but honestly I feel like it is so much cooler for you to go and get something that is gently used and spend $2 instead of $200. I always find great things there and who cares if they were on someones back a week ago? I can get lost in the place! I love it!
 5.  Plant it and it will grow-  I love to play in the dirt! I go out back and stay for hours. I get my little basket and scissors and head out to dead head all my flowers for seeding them the next time. I pull weeds, I replant stuff. You name it and I am pretty sure that I do it. I just love it! I am pretty sure that Dr. Pepper feels like he has gotten into a relationship with the "crazy plant lady" :). 

What do you do to relax?  

Thursday, July 15, 2010

All the single ladies...

Today on Kelly's Korner : "Show us your life- show us your single boys or girls". Here's my girl!

Eugenia G. 32 years old, Nashville, TN

 I would like to share my good friend Eugenia . She is such an amazing woman. I met her through my mom a few years ago and I have loved her ever since. She is an attorney here in Nashville but does quite a bit of charity work for the local women's shelter as well. She has a huge heart and rarely meets a stranger. I can't say a negative thing about her. You single guys need to check her out, she is a great person inside and out.

You Are So Nashville If.....

So for the past few years one of my best friend Madeline's husband Heath and his brother Jason have been entering Nashville Scene's "You Are So Nashville If's" Contest. These two guys are some of the funniest dudes I have ever met and when you put them together they are side spliting! Just the right mixture of sarcasm, brains and humor all wrapped into these two to make them freaking HILARIOUS! This year they made it all the way up the list to the top 5!!!! Check it out!

Here are a few of there other entries from this years YASNI:

You used your FEMA check to buy Paul McCartney tickets.

Heath and Jason Hinson

A tourist had to tell you about the free Music City Circuit.

Heath and Jason Hinson

Lee Beaman offered you a complimentary three-night stay in Tent City with the purchase of a used Toyota.

Heath and Jason Hinson

You miss being able to buy crack after filling your growler at Yazoo.

Heath and Jason Hinson

You think one neighborhood association per neighborhood is enough.

Heath and Jason Hinson

Congrats guys!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Take the Scenic route"

You know how everyone hates Monday's but no one ever really has a reason to hate them until after they are done? Well, I had one of those Monday's yesterday........

I got up and headed for the bus station only to get there right as it was about to pull off ....UGH!  I had to sprint to the bus from my car and wedge my butt between two other ladies that really didn't want me sitting there in the first place. You could totally tell they were wanting me to move the back of the bus but I didn't care ha ha I just sat right on down. I got that ""over the brow" look from one of them too ha ha
                                                     Stuff it Granny, I'm sittin' down!
                                          (kidding, I would never be mean to my elders)

My day went fine and actually went by really fast. In order to catch it going home I have to be in front of my building ready to get on at 4:10. SO I was down in front of the building standing there with my Metro Card in hand ready to hop on and ride home when I see it coming my way but it wasn't slowing down. I started thinking to myself....ok, is that the wrong bus? I look at it and it said "35 Rivergate" yep, that was headed my way alright but it's was all good. No worries there was another one coming. I see it coming up the street so I get ready...pretty funny too because I am only 5 feet tall and my bag weighed a great deal more than usual yesterday so I had to kid of have a stance out there, almost as if I was gearing up to take a hit or something ha ha, anyway I see it coming and then I see it go right on by too! WTF! Yes, passed by not only 1 but 2 damn buses! I know I am short and all but I am not that short, I can be seen over the planters for crying out loud! After all that, I need to take a breather so I sit my stuff down and end up sitting on the bench until 4:30 when another bus comes up but this ones actually pulls up and stops enough for the hydraulics to kick in so that I didn't have to make such a big leap to get on ha ha. After being on for about 2 seconds I realized that this bus said "26 Rivergate & Gallatin Rd.". ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! For a second I started to panic but then I was ok and all I could do was laugh at myself and the situation. I mean this was how my life crappy bus ride at a time! Of course there weren't any seats so I had to stand...

After the 1st stop a guy got off and I took his seat.

                                                                What? Is this a joke? :)

      For the next hour I watched people get on the bus and get off the bus. I watched as no one spoke to one another and how most of the people if you smile at them out of kindness they just look at you crazy instead of smiling back. I did see a few acts of kindness that were awesome and I wish there were more people like them.....
The man here in the picture noticed that a younger man, a kid that most would probably consider a "punk" didn't have enough money and was going to have to get off the bus. The guy bought his way that day. It wasn't the amount of money it was the act that meant so much in my opinion.

The driver of the bus was a pretty cool lady also! There was an elderly lady that got on at one stop and she looked as if she might have been living on the streets. She was very dirty, had most of her belongings in her plastic bag she was carrying and the driver said to her" I was worried about you, I haven't seen you in a few days is everything ok?" The driver and the lady talked for a few minutes while we went on to the next few stops until the elderly lady got off the bus and hugged the driver. The lady told the driver that she loved her and she appreciated her. I thought that was the nicest conversation.

I rode that bus so long that by the time I got off it looked like this.....

I finally got off a block from where I originally got on that morning and Dr. Pepper came to rescue me while I was walking across the parking lot at the Rivergate Mall. I had to laugh.....didn't you?

Monday, July 12, 2010

Now this is really neat!

I was just looking around on when I stumbled upon her toe warmers made out of corn. Yes, I said corn. Check it out. Purdy neat!

I might just have to try this and see how I can put a little "cb Spin" on it:)!
Leelou Blogs