Thursday, September 30, 2010

Selecting the right handbag for your body..... Charming Charlie's blog

Selecting The Right Handbag For Your Body
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Selecting The Right Handbag For Your Body
While most fashion rules have become more relaxed over time, there are still a few that are worth their proverbial weight in fashion gold. Case in point, the subject of this blog: selecting the right handbag for your body. The handbag you carry has a huge impact on your overall look, so selecting the right handbag for your body is worth a little extra investment in time and effort.

Flatter Your Figure

The right handbag can enhance your assets and down play the rest. It’s not magic,  but selecting the right handbag for your body can be a quick fashion fixer upper! Plus, you don’t have to spend a fortune on a bag that works for you; there are many affordable and stylish options to choose from. 

The Trend Factor: One Size Does Not Fit All

Trends are fresh and fun and ever-changing! Not all trends can suit everyone. You need to keep your frame top of mind when selecting the right handbag for your body. This can be difficult, especially when a trend is particularly eye catching and irresistable. But while passing on the “it” bag of the moment might take a little restraint, selecting an equally cute bag that is the right handbag for your body can give you much more satisfaction.  In addition, you can look for trendy “styling” and details that match your personality once you identify the right type of handbag for your body. Your handbag will always complement your ensemble if it is the right balance for your body frame, whether you switch your handbag out from season to season or week to week.

Guidelines to Consider When Selecting the Right Handbag for Your Body


Handbag Length: Balanced is Better

If you have that classic swimmer’ physique (shoulders broader than hips) or a bustier frame, then avoid handbags with short handles that fall at the bust. You don’t need to draw any additional attention to your upper body, since you are naturally developed in that area. Opt however for handbags with long handles (there are so many to choose from) or carry a clutch. You will create a more balanced look.
If you have curvy hips or a little extra around the middle, don’ t select handbags that fall at the midriff.  Given your natural endowments, no more attention to that area is needed. Choose handbags with shorter handles, which fall under the arm or well above the waist area. You will draw the eye upwards and create more balance.

Handbag Size: Proportion Is Key

Finding a bag that is in proportion to your frame is also key to selecting the right bag for your body. Full-bodied women with large frames should avoid small handbags. Small handbags make tall or plus size women appear larger.  Instead, opt for medium or large size handbags to keep everything proportional. Petite women, shorter than 5’2, should avoid wide or oversized handbags.  Instead, to elongate your appearance, choose small to medium size handbags. In this case, the average woman has a little more flexibility, straddling the midsize bag category with the ability to go up a wee bit or down a wee bit in size.  

Handbag Shape: Opposites Attract

In general, women of all sizes should aim for choosing handbag shapes that are the opposite of their body types.  So, if you are tall and thin, opt for a round, slouchy handbag.  If you are petite and curvy, pick a long, sleek handbag.

In Summary: The Right Handbag for You

When selecting the right handbag for your body, first factor in handbag size, shape and strap length, then take into account styling and personality.

Monday, September 27, 2010

~ Fall Wreath~

This was one of my MANY projects that I had going at the house.

The P is for Peppers :)
(Suddenly I want to bust out into song with Supersonic! ha ha )

Finally finished....

I made the doll from scratch and I am so proud of it!!
I hope she loves it:)! 

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