Friday, June 25, 2010

Fun for 1 or fun for all

I do not have any kiddos but I ran the before and after school care at the YMCA Fun Co. for a year and happen to think I am an expert at kids playtime! Today on Kelly's Korner she is asking for ways to keep kids entertained during the day. Here are some that I have done in the past....

    1. Everything under the kitchen sink art -  Everyone has a basket of scrap buttons, paper, pipe cleaners, newspapers, magazines, and other things that for some strange reason we hold onto thinking that we will at some point find a reason to use it right? Well, let your kids make a master piece with what they see. Every one sees things differently and what you see might be totally different so have fun and get creative!

    2. Write a story together. Go to different parts of the house and or outside and look around getting a feel for what you see and go with it to make the story better and more creative!

Happy Friday! Let's go to the Drive-in!

I have a super busy weekend planned but tonight I have a date at the drive in with my sweetie:). I love drive-in movies. There is just something so cool about being able to sit in the back of your truck and watch a movie. I love it! Tonight we are seeing  Karate Kid and Grown Ups. I have been really excited to see Karate Kid because that was such a huge movie for me back when I was a kid. I might even have to break out the old school "crane" to show some love for Ralph. ha ha

Tomorrow I am going to get my 2 favorite little dudes Sam & Will  and we are heading out to BeBe and Pops house for a days of fun in the sun with Stephanie and Lucky!  I can't wait to spend the day with all of my favorite little people:). We are going to have so much fun!

Sunday is work day! Yard, house and whatever else I can get myself into......

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Burn baby BURN!!!!

 So today when I got home I wanted get in a really good work out so I threw in the Firm Wave work out "Rock the Wave" and hit it hard for 45 minutes thinking I was going to be really tired at the end. Much to my surprise I wasn't. I mean I was tired but I still felt like going so I popped in another one of their dvd's called

Boot camp Maximum Cardio Burn

Let me tell makes you sweat as long as you put your all into it. It was fun as long as you can get past the boring music and stay focused on the goal at hand.


                                                                       Burn & Shape

Do your thang!

This is so freaking cool! These guys have the strength of superman and they grace of a trapeze artist. Watch and you will be in awe too!

French Recipe: Cherry Clafoutis

French Recipe: Cherry Clafoutis

All I can say is YUMMMM!!!!


 I went to the Farmer's Market to buy flowers a few weeks ago and I stumbled upon this little beauty. When I got her she was all green and leafy there was no color in sight but they said that she would in deed bloom a pretty little red flower.  She bloomed pink for me and boy is she pretty!!!!! I think we will name her "Maggie"  as in Magenta because of her color!

Oscar dog

Oscar use to have tons of friends....a monkey, a giraffe, a duck, a wiener dog, a bunny,a lion and a mouse. Here recently he has started chewing them to a pulp. He chews them up a body part at a time. To be so damn cute he is a fierce little guy. ha ha

                                                    Didn't even see it coming ha ha

They have their own little language sometimes....ha ha ha

Did you say you wanted kisses?

He moved onto Mr. Mouse and has eaten his ears and tail off. Sounds yummy doesn't it!

What is that Mr. Lion? You want to wrestle?

Told you!  Don't play with me kid....

What are you looking at?  

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

i etsy, you etsy, everybody etsy...

 For anyone who loves to shop or has that creative niche there is ETSY!!!! It is fantastic! They have everything from Art to Geekery (you just repeated yourself didn't you? Wondering what Geekery is? ha ha ) to woodworks and they are all fantastic. Check it out at :

                                                     Plum Lemonade by SaltAndLight85

                                                         Red Velvet Shoes by DaintyButton
(oh yeah :) my personal opinion is that a woman should have something red in her wardrobe everyday  )

                                                    Fantastic leather bag by Chicleather

Tomato Red Purse by Artoncrafts

French Vanilla by DanityButton

*This can be put on any shirt you want, it's a pin. How neat is that! She has them in all different colors and sizes too. Check her out.

For the kiddos....

Darling Starling by StrollerblanketMom

She had some super cute stuff!

Adorable baby shoes by plum stitch


             Baby boy shoes by Gracious May      


and.........if I were to have a little girl, I would think that these would be PERFECT for her!

                                                                 -  by Cybertosh

Get your craft on!

Marshmallow Wreath

I made this for my boss for Christmas last year. It was super easy and really fun to make. I would recommend making it to anyone!

Monday, June 21, 2010

One cool kid

Dr. Pepper and I love spending time with the boys. I think Don (aka Dr. Pepper) has just as much fun playing with their games and toys and stuff as they do sometimes(just another reason why I love him so much). Saturday we had planned to take the boys to Goofballs in Franklin but poor little Sambo ended up with a yucky stomach bug and couldn't go anywhere. Instead we took Will with us to eat dinner and afterwards we went to Sweet CeCe's for some yummy yogurt. We took the boys there not too long ago and they loved it!! I think it is neat to see what all Will puts together.....strawberry yogurt, fudge, cereal, marshmallows, cherries, whip cream and dots of caramel. It didn't look too bad except for the cereal.

The sugar got to us after a while.......

He gets his silliness honest.


Lost tooth...cute kid!

As if he wasn't already the cutest 6 year old...he had to go and get even cuter on me!

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day Pops!

BeBe & Pop's at Mellow Mushroom for Father's Day. We all LOVE their pizza.


Checkin' out his new bathing suit.  


I think it is a thumbs up:). You can never go wrong with Columbian!  

Pop's, Sam & Ansleigh love M&M's !!


We love you Pops, thanks for all you do for us! Happy Father's Day!

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