Monday, June 28, 2010

What a weekend!

Friday Dr. Pepper and I were headed to the drive-in to see 2 great movies and eat our weight in junk when the bottom decided to fall out on us as we were pulling off of the interstate. We traveled 45 minutes to sit in the parking lot of the Texaco that had no power and no cell phone service. The upside? All along the windows of the Texaco were things written like  " hot shower with fill up" and "Joe Bob's meat 'n' three inside". Um Joe Bob, is that in the same place as your hot shower? You can imagine my facial expression ha.
So we headed back towards the house in just enough time to make it to our favorite Mexican place. La Loma!


They have the freshest salsa in town, the service is always great and the nachos are delicious! We also hit the Goodwill for some shopping before we headed on our way to the drive-in. We did awesome! It was a red tag day so these were 50% off!

Saturday, we hit the floor running and didn't stop until midnight. A friend of mine let us borrow her hedge trimmers and Dr. Pepper did a wonderful job on ours out front. Have you ever noticed how the hair in old men's ears gets just crazy out out of control and grown in every direction in can go? Yeah?! Well, that is kind of what our front shrubs were looking like ha  ha .
                                                        OUT OF CONTROL!! ha ha ha

                                           Dr. Pepper! You did good!             

After all that hard work we headed on over to get us a little something to eat at one of our favorite places.

      We hadn't been in a while and my sister Stephanie has been raving about their new "Spicy Chicken " sandwich so I had to try it.

OMG! It was so good it'll make your tongue slap your brain! I added light mayo to mine though because in my opinion everything is better with a little bit of Mayo:)!

After , we headed on over to Fred's to pick up a few things. I happen to go in here a few weeks ago for the 1st time and let me just tell is a kept secret! I got toiletries for 1/2 the price!

We finally got curtains for the bedroom. Maybe now I will be able to sleep later than 6 on the weekends?! 

The rest of the day was left to cleaning and my DIY projects around the house.

Sunday, was our family day! My mom and step dad went Friday and picked up my Baboo in Atlanta to bring her here for a week long visit. Yesterday my two sisters, nephews, mom, Ray, Dr. Pepper and my Aunt Babs all came out to see her and to spend time with her.





We all have lots of fun in BeBe & Pops pool. Especially  all the kiddos! There is a little something for everyone out at the Hahn-der-osa!


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